
Manipulation of the Multiplex Mental Imageries Framed in Lord of the Flies by Golding Abstract The small-scale study investigates the multiplex imageries mimicked in Lord of the Flies by Golding.…


“Sound Moralism” and Sound Harm Treatment in Soundscape Research This article combines the concept of “sound landscape” proposed by R. Murray Schafer, the father of ecological soundscape, and the “sociological…


LINGUISTIC REPRESENTATION AND LEXICAL CHOICES ON MILITANTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN THE NIGER DELTA In the Niger Delta region, Multi National Oil Corporations have been massively involved in the production…


The effect of teacher-made Gender discrimination on students learning process Purpose: this research has been conducted to investigate the impact or effect of teacher-made gender discrimination on students learning process.…


الملخص هذا البحث يدرس مهارة استخدام أداة التعريف الإنجليزية( The)عند مجموعتين من متعلمي اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة ثانية. المجموعة الأولى هم العرب والمجموعة الثاني هم الإسبان ويوضح مدى تأثير اللغة الأولى…


INSTRUCTION STRATEGY TOWARD GRADE 10 STUDENTS’ SELF- EFFICACY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THEIR ENGLISH PERFORMANCE This study focused on the differentiated instruction strategy toward Grade 10 students’ self-efficacy and its…


Grandiose Narcissism in Identity Politics Healthy self-esteem should be contrasted with pathological narcissism, both at individual and collective level. Recognition of nine signs of Grandiose Narcissism are required in DSM5…


Loneliness and Its Related Factors Among College Students In order to know current status of college students’ loneliness, and discuss main related factors, this paper adopts stratified random sampling method…


POLICY EVALUATION OF A VILLAGE MEDIUM-TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN MARAWOLA SUBDISTRICT SIGI REGENCY This research aims to examine how the policy output of a Village Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM-Desa) is…