Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences [ISSN: 2583-2034]

Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences

Abbreviated key title: Glob.J.Arts.Humanit.Soc.Sci.

Frequency: Monthly

Publisher: GSAR Publishers.

Address: Karaiguri, Hojai, Assam 782440 (India)

Country of Origin: India

Language: English

Editor In Chief: Dr. Vishal Gupta.

Aim & Scope

Global Journal of Arts Humanity and Social Sciences is an open access peer-reviewed, monthly international journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of arts humanities and social science. The journal focuses on promoting multidisciplinary studies in humanities and social sciences and has become the world’s leading textbook on humanities and social sciences. The purpose of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of education and industry to focus on the educational and social spheres in exploring the cultural diversity and regeneration of relevant topics and building new collaborations in these fields. Authors are invited to contribute to this journal by submitting articles designed to improve the personality and fields of social science.

The subjects, in specific, covered by the journal include:

Demography, English, Finance, Fine Arts, Law, Linguistics, Paralegal, Population Studies, Visual Arts, Archeology, Arts, Business Administration, Comedy, Communication, Drawing, Economics, Environmental Studies, Geospatial Information Science, International Relations, Journalism, Market Research, Minority Studies, Painting Studies, Political Science, Social Studies, Theatre and drama, Women studies, Acrobatics, Anthropology, Bengali, Business Studies, Communication studies, Corporate Governance, Criminology, Cross Cultural studies, Development studies, Education, Ethics, Geography, Hindi, History, Industrial relations, Information science, International Relations, Library science, Literature, Management, Media Studies, Methodology, Multicultural, Performing arts (Music/Theatre/Dance), Psychology, Public administration, Religious Studies, Sanskrit, Social Welfare, Sociology

Vol- 5 Issue – 3 (March) 2025 (Call for Papers)

GJAHSS Vol – 5 Issue – 3 (March 2025)






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