Category: Uncategorized


Greek Mythology and William Shakespeare The aim of this article was to investigate what influence Greek mythology has had on Western society, more specifically regarding literature, while discussing the Ancient…


Role of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Promoting Female Entrepreneurship in Indonesia This research aims to examine the role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in promoting female…


The impact of local language instruction on lower primary school learners in Chitokoloki, Zambia. Zambia, a multilingual nation, faces the challenge of selecting an appropriate language of instruction in schools…


Mutation in education. An explanatory study of students’ performance and satisfaction with face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning. In the past decade, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, many students experienced multiple…


Current situation and optimization analysis of production cost management in Chinese automobile enterprises After China’s economic development to a certain extent, people’s quality of life has been significantly improved, and…


Analysis of Financial Distress in Indonesia before and during Covid-19 This research aims to examine the effect of profitability, liquidity, operating cash flow, leverage, and ownership concentration on financial distress.…


Organizational Restructuring to Increase on Employee Performance The aim of this study is to see how organizational restructuring affects employee performance at PT. Halliburton Indonesia, as mediated by employee capabilities.…


Determinant Propensity toward indebtedness in Indonesia This study examines the factors that influence a person’s debt behavior. This study uses seven variables to measure: financial literacy, emotion, risk perception, materialism,…