
The Impacts of Boko Haram Insurgency on Educational Infrastructure and Facilities in North-East Nigeria This study examined the impacts of the Boko Haram insurgency on educational infrastructure and facilities in…


USE OF Eucalyptus camaldulensis LEAF EXTRACTS AS ALTERNATIVE TO CONTROL OF HELMINTHS IN SHEEP Various species of helminths parasitize sheep and result in considerable pathogenesis and economic losses in sheep…


HISTORIOGRAPHY OF KHIVA KHAN’S PALACE RECEPTION CEREMONIES This article talks about the historiography of Khiva Khan’s palace reception ceremonies. Establishment and political history of the Khanate of Khiva, after the…


The Czech Republic’s language policy on minorities’ education rights Linguistic and fundamental human rights of minorities are fixed in the documents of The European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages…


Determination of Types and Conditions that can benefit from creative art therapy as perceived by Guidance counselors This study employs descriptive survey design and is carried out in Anambra state.…


The Abolition of Blackbirding, Indenture Slavery, and Sex Trafficking in the Indian and Pacific Areas: Globally Within Sub Regional, Regional, and International Systems. Our intention in this Article goes along…