Sleeping habits and Problems among Medical Students–cross-section study

Background: Medical students are at a higher risk of sleep deprivation and sleep disorders than other students due to high level of academic demands, which can cause irregular sleep-waking cycle, falling asleep during the day, and decreased level of attentiveness that may lead to decreased academic performance.

Objectives: To describe the habits and problems of sleep among student. Identify the relation between sleep quality and students’ academic performance.

 Subjects and Method:  Across section study conducted at AL-Mustansiriyah University, College of Medicine, for the period from first of March to end of April 2022. The study group comprises students for the academic year 2021-2022 from the first to the fifth academic year. A self-administered questionnaire based on SLEEP – WAKE QUESTIONNAIRE was implemented for data collection to explore sleep habits and sleeping problems of the students. 

 Results: The study enrolled 766 students, 45% of students complaining from sleep problem, the highest rate (49.5%) was among the 1st-grade student, and 47.9%  of male students reported sleep problems. Sleeping for 5-7 hours was the shared habit among the study group as regards to grade and gender. Out of total study group, 53% of them rated their sleep quality as inadequate. Inadequate sleep quality was significantly higher among those students who failed to pass the midyear exam.

 Conclusions: A predominance of sleep problems observed among medical students, especially first academic year and male students. To improve the sleep quality of medical students, academic institution should provide a positive environment by establishing counseling facilities and promoting good sleep hygiene.

Key words: Sleep, Problems, Academic performance, Medical students.