This research aims to analyze internal and external factors that affect the marketing strategy of pork in UD Sidhi Ulam  Anyar, analyze UD Sidhi Ulam Anyar’s pork business position in the pork industry, and recommend the right marketing strategy for their products. This research is a case study conducted at UD Sidhi Ulam Anyar in Darmasaba, Badung. This research was conducted in April-June 2023. This research used 34 respondents, consisting of one business owner of UD Sidhi Ulam Anyar, 30 consument respondents, 1 academician respondents, 1 practitioner respondent, and 1 policy makers (government) respondents. Sources of data used, namely primary data and secondary data. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, interviews with questionnaires, and related literature searches. The analysis used in this study, namely 1) IFE and EFE analysis; 2) IE analysis; 3) SWOT analysis; and 4) QSPM analysis. The results of the IFE and EFE analysis of this study resulted in total of 7 strength factors, 5 weakness factors, 5 opportunities factor, and 3 threat factors respectively. this also shows each major factors in the business, major strength: maintained pork quality and freshness; major weakness: no gap between pig pen and selling location and conventional marketing method; major opportunities: huge market potential; major threat: high industry competition. This indicates that UD Sidhi Ulam Anyar business position in the pork industry is in cell IV on IE matrix, spesifically the division of grow and build with intensive strategies market penetration, market development, and product development. Based on the results of SWOT and QSPM analysis, the priority strategy in UD Sidhi Ulam Anyar’s marketing is to promote products using online media to attract customers in wider range thus increasing sales and product popularity with the TAS score of 2.29.

Keyword: IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT, and QSPM.