Prospects/Problems of Federal Democratic Republican Governance in Nepal

Corporate, national, international, and local level settings are just a few of the contexts in which governance can be used. This paper appraises prospects/problems of federal democratic republican governance in Nepal. In doing so, we used library based review method and secondary sources of information collected from historical practices of local governance, Local Self-Governance Act of 1999 and other relevant policy documents and report. The study found that Nepalese governance has gone through several phases, including monarchy, democracy, one-party rule, multi-party politics and federalism. Decentralization has been replaced by a republican democratic union government through new constitution 2015. The federation, provinces and local levels are functioning devolved power/jurisdictions including concurrent powers/jurisdictions. Governance system is functioning against central ruling structures, offering decentralized forms of public service delivery system. However, institutional capability, concurrent power/jurisdictions, human resource management, public service delivery functions, fiscal and financial management, revenue collection and mobilization, qualification  of elected representatives, geo-politics, collaborations among the three tired government and government responsibility are found major problems of federal government in Nepal.  For this strong political will administrative honesty and civic concern and vigilance and fair distribution of the benefits of democracy is essential for achieving the goals of socialist-oriented federal democratic republican governance system at the federation, Provincial and local level.

Keywords: Governance, government, decentralization, federalism, prospect, problem