Appraisal of Implementation of United Nations Declaration on Security of Women and Children in Ikwerre Society of Rivers State, Nigeria

This study appraises the level of implementation of United Nations Declaration on security of women and children in Ikwerre society with a view to finding out how successful the implementation had been in contemporary Ikwerre society. The study employs feminist theory with emphasis on the womanist perspective as well as the qualitative and ethnographic methodology. The study have revealed various degrees of implementation of some level of the UN declaration in view, but there exist some areas where women and children still suffer insecurity because of imposed patriarchal culture in defiance of UN declarations. The study  recommends therefore, notwithstanding the docility on the part of women in Ikwerre society, that practical steps must be taken to urgently implement as well as domesticate the UN declaration on security of women and children in Ikwerre society so that women and children can enjoy their right to live and dignity.

Keywords: Appraisal, Implementation, Declaration, Security

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