This research project aims to assess the relationship between induction of employee and employee engagement in public institutions; Case of Gicumbi District. The specific objectives are: to examine effect of operation process on employee engagement in Gicumbi District, to assess effect of corporate culture on employee engagement in Gicumbi District, to determine effect of institution policies on employee engagement in Gicumbi District. The theories in this study were induction program; induction and employee satisfaction; employee engagement. The study conducted on employees who had actively participated the first induction, which held from 2016 up to 2018. Descriptive research method applied to examine effectiveness of induction program on employee engagement in Gicumbi District; to assess employee engagement in Gicumbi District and to determine the relationship between employee induction and engagement in Gicumbi District. The mixed method that includes both quantitative and qualitative approaches were utilized to the completion of the research. A questionnaire designed using structured questions to collect primary data from participants of the induction and employee engagement. Forty-five questionnaires were distributed and collected from employees of Gicumbi District. Personal interview was held with managers of Gicumbi District. It is evident from the study that there is a good relationship with induction and employee’s engagement. The study has revealed that the induction has a significant influence on employees’ engagement. According to the data obtained and analyzed, majority of respondents agreed the effectiveness of induction program on employee engagement as follow: The majority 44.4 % of respondents agreed the induction helps employee to know what expected of them, 51.1% agreed that it provides roadmap to workplace success. According to the data obtained and analyzed on assessment of employee engagement, the majority 66.7% of respondents agreed that: 37.8% of Management of Gicumbi District said that our employee engagement strategy is supportive of the business strategy and 44.4% Leadership and Management enjoy a high level of trust from employees; 48.9% of respondents said that Strategic HR policies and initiatives promote employee engagement at all levels of the organization. The percentage of 57.8% of respondents agreed that the organization encourages the sharing of information, knowledge and resources; 53.3% agreed that they know what was expected of me at work and 62.2% agreed that everyone at work encourages their career development. The majority 66.7% of respondents highlight they are feeling motivated to do their job at Gicumbi District; 60.0% said that their job gives them fulfillment and 46.7% of respondents agreed that they are working with high intensity. Also from the findings, It is concluded that induction program is effectiveness on employee engagement because it help employee to know what expected of them, it provide a roadmap to workplace success, it helps employee to know the institution’s rules, it creates positive first impressions, it building workplace relationships. Based on the findings, the following recommendations are made in order to improve induction and employee’s engagement of public institutions: The Government of Rwanda recommended to increase engagement for its employees in public institutions towards the organizational performance. Also, the government should organize the training related to induction and employee engagement for all human resource Directors in public institutions. The management of public institutions should standardize the employees’ induction policies to reflect the desire of employees.

Keywords: Induction, Employee Engagement, Performance