Data Algorithm for Artificial Intelligence applying English and Spanish semiotics for management towards computer programming.

The objective of this research is to characterize artificial intelligence, through the use of algorithms to apply it in educational establishments that want to avoid the effects of organized and non-organized crime in Ecuador. Teachers have been the most affected, since criminals take advantage of the hours of entry and exit of educational personnel to intimidate. Teachers have had their belongings taken away a few meters from the schools where they work. A survey was carried out on 10 teachers, 20 parents and 30 students to find out the association capacity that exists between the reality of what happens in educational institutions and mental coding. A total of 60 people between the educational community of the University of Guayaquil and the José Alfredo Llerena Educational Unit, Los Ríos Province Fiscal Educational Unit. If Ecuador is one of the countries that has signed a Safe Schools declaration, it cannot remain in a project of that denomination. My Safe School has two pillars: risks of natural origin such as natural disasters, floods and of human origin with two large groups: the one that addresses physical security issues such as robberies, traffic, micro-trafficking, drug trafficking. The latter is the one that currently causes a great impact. Subscribe to DeepL Pro to edit this document. Visit for more information.

Keywords: administrative management- artificial intelligence- mechanism- risks