Current situation and optimization analysis of production cost management in Chinese automobile enterprises

Lu yang1* Dong ke2 Zhou Aiyu3

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology [GJET] 2(7) PP: 33-36

Evaluation of the Mechanism of Impact Test Setup

Tuğrul Erdem1*, Engin Gücüyen2

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology [GJET] 2(7) PP: 29-32

Transformer assembly line balancing and optimization based on heuristic algorithm

Peng Gao1, Jiao Cheng2*

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology [GJET] 2(7) PP: 21-28

Research of Lean Improvement on Oil Pump Production Line in Company D by VSM

Peng Gao1, Jiao Cheng2*

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology [GJET] 2(7) PP: 16-20

A review of the organizing methods between heritage and reality systems and their role in the diversity of contemporary Islamic production

Riyam. R. Fanjan1*, Noor A. Almansor2

Global Journal of Engineering and Technology [GJET] 2(7) PP: 01-15