The Views about the Coordinating Relation Existing in Language

The concepts of “language” and “speech culture” are different plans with the same object. Both concepts are related to each other. One complements the other. Both directly from people attitude is related to behavior and speech. Punctuation rules are very important in the language.

There are some kinds of grammatical connections discussed in linguistics. From these ones, coordinating and subordinating realtions are more important.  Coordinating  and subordinating relations  exist among words, words combinations, sentences and sentences members. There is not a special form of disobedient word combinations.  Disobedient  word combinations which perform the same function are equal in relation to each other and are combinations of independent words. Although disobedience related word combinations look like the sentences with homogenious members,  there are some differences between them. This article deals with contents and form features of coordinating relation with exist in language. During teaching, students should be taught that inside the sentence

There are some kinds of grammatical connections discussed in linguistics. From these ones, coordinating and subordinating realtions are more important.  Coordinating  and subordinating relations  exist among words, words combinations, sentences and sentences members. There is not a special form of disobedient word combinations.  Disobedient  word combinations which perform the same function are equal in relation to each other and are combinations of independent words. Although disobedience related word combinations look like the sentences with homogenious members,  there are some differences between them.

The article is dedicated to the main factor of fonction of speech cultuve by punctuation rules. The role of puntuation rules in the speech of speakers, the adaption of punctuation rules by speakers is the main theme of this article. The pedogogical and lingustic literature is used, this literature is analysed by scientific point of view in this article.

Keywords: Homogenous members,  Subordinating and coordinating relation, İndependent words, Word combinations, Perform.