Month: January 2024


Evaluating the change in financial status of community members through university employment in rural Rwanda Employment can enable an individual to earn a living and potentially elevate their material well-being.…


THE NATURE AND SOLUTION OF FAMILY CONFLICT IN A PATRILINEAL-GENEALOGIC CLAN OF MANGGARAIAN SOCIETY This study explores the nature and solution of family conflict in the patrilineal-genealogic clan of Manggaraian…


LIKELIHOOD OF CONFUSION THE BEDROCK FOR DETERMINATION OF TRADEMARK REGISTRABILITY AND INFRINGEMENT IN NIGERIA Trademark law in Nigeria, like in many other jurisdictions, seeks to protect the distinctive nature of…


Factors Contributing to Students’ Indiscipline Behaviour at Public Secondary Schools. This systematic research aims to identify and analyse the factors contributing to students’ indiscipline behaviour at public secondary schools. The…


Levels of Total Hydrocarbon in Aquatic Plant (Ceratophyllum demersum) of the Polluted River Oluwa, Western Nigeria Total hydrocarbon content concentrations were determined in aquatic plant (Ceratophyllum demersum) collected from River…


Bleeding complications according to classification used: Is unified classification of bleeding complications To compare the number of severe periprocedural bleeding complications from the total number of bleeding complications associated with…