Month: August 2023


CBA league marketing strategy status and optimization analysis After more than 20 years of development, the Chinese men’s Professional Basketball League (CBA League), with a good social and cultural environment,…


Good governance as the second generation of reforms developed by international financial institutions for countries in the southern hemisphere to achieve development: ruptures, changes, and continuities Following the process of…


Investigating the optimal leverage ratio in the financing of new energy vehicle (NEV) projects: A risk management perspective Projects that require significant capital investment necessitate meticulous consideration of the project…


The Effect of PATH-Image Schema on Yemeni High School Students for Learning Prepositions In cognitive linguistics, image schemas were introduced as mental generalizations from embodied experiences capturing notions such as…


In India’s current aviation industry scenario, the use of Six Sigma techniques The utilization of Six Sigma methodologies in India’s current aviation company situation, The study Paper explores the airline…


Generic Skills Acquisition and Employability of Accounting Education Graduates in Rivers State. This study investigated the relationship between generic skills acquisition and employability of Accounting Education graduates in Rivers State.…


ANTECEDENT OF CUSTOMER REPURCHASE INTENTION TIKTOK LIVE STREAMING VIDEO This research aims to explain the influence of social media marketing on trust, hedonic motivation, customer engagement, and their impact on…


Audit Quality, Enterprise Risk Management, and Stock Returns of Multinational Manufacturing Companies listed in Nigeria Meeting stock returns in multinational manufacturing companies listed in Nigeria has remained difficult as the…