Month: February 2022


Dynamics of Ethics on Health Resource Allocation Priority Setting During Covid-19 Pandemic in Zimbabwe The study sought to evaluate ethics and Covid-19 resource allocation priority setting in Zimbabwe’s health sector.…


Effect of financial management practices on SMEs sustainability in Zimbabwe Harare Metropolitan Province The study evaluated the effect of financial management practices on performance of selected manufacturing Small to Medium…


Assessment of Financial Management Practices on Performance of Manufacturing Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Harare Metropolitan Province, Zimbabwe The study evaluated the effect of financial management practices on performance…


POLITICS OF IMPLEMENTING PEACEEDUCATION PROGRAMMESFORBOKO HARAM INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS IN DIKWACAMPOF BORNO STATE, NIGERIA. Peace education can promote access, teachers, teaching and education policy during emergencies. Equally, it can reinforce…


Determinants of Profitability Difference among Fluted Pumpkin and Green Amaranth Vegetable Marketers in Enugu State Nigeria. Profitability in green amaranth and fluted pumpkin vegetables is of core essence among various…