GSAR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
Abbreviated key title: GSAR .J. Agri.Vet.Sci.
Frequency: Monthly
Publisher: GSAR Publishers.
Address: Karaiguri, Hojai, Assam 782440 (India)
Country of Origin: India
Language: English
Editor In Chief : Dr. Omkar Sunil Warang
Journal Starting Year: 2024
Format of publication: Online
Frequency: Monthly
GSAR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences ISSN: 3048-9075 (Online) is an online international peer reviewed open access monthly journal which publishes original research papers Review Articles, Essays, Short Communications and editorial comments in all the fields under Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences. The aim of the Journal is to provide a platform for the researchers and academicians throughout the world to speedily publish, share and discuss various new findings and developments in the areas of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences. Subject areas invited for publication include, but are not limited to the following fields
Subject areas:
Agricultural Economics,Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Genomics, Agronomy, Animal Embryology, Animal Infectious Diseases, Animal Molecular Etiology, Animal Pathology, Animal Science, Animal Virology, Biotechnology, Crop Science, Ecology & Environment, Food Processing, Forestry, Genetic and Plant Breeding, Horticultural Science, Hydrology, Immunology, Irrigation, Livestock Anatomy and Histology, Livestock Parasitology, Medicinal Plants, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Genomics, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Protection, Plant-microbe Interactions, Post Harvest Biology and Technology, Preventive Veterinary Medicine,Rural Biodiversity. Seed Science Research, Soil & Fertilization Stored Products Research,Tillage and Cultivation, Toxicology, Veterinary Clinic,Veterinary Epidemiology,Veterinary Etiology, Veterinary Immunology, Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Pharmacology, Veterinary Quarantine, Veterinary Science Equipment,Water Resources Management, Weed Biolog
Vol-2-Issue-3 March 2025 (Call for papers)
GSARJAVS Vol -2 Issue – 3 (March 2025)
Volume 2 [2025]
Volume 1 [2024]
Vol -1 Issue – 3 (November)
Vol -1 Issue – 2 (October)
Editor In Chief
Dr. Omkar Sunil Warang
Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture, Kai. Rajaram Marathe College of Agriculture, Phondaghat, Kankavali, 416 601, India Email :[email protected]
Associate Editors
Dr. Ismail Muhammad
Lecturer Department Of Molecular Parasitology/Zoology Gombe State University Nigeria Email: [email protected]
Profile link: https://gsu.edu.ng/home/staff-profile/555/
Associate Professor Department of Mathematics PSGR Krishnammal College for Women India Email: [email protected]
Profile Link: https://www.psgrkcw.ac.in/department/mathematics/#
Dr. Collen Kajongwe
Senior Lecturer Department of Human Resources Management at Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences Zimbabwe. Email: [email protected]
Profile link- https://msuas.ac.zw/dr-collen-kajongwe/
Dr. Yashir Tamboli
Assistant Professor, School of Agricultural Sciences, Jaipur Natioinal University, Jaipur-302 017 India. Email : [email protected]
Profile Link: https://www.jnujaipur.ac.in/faculty (Sr No 203)
Saskiyanto Manggabarani, SKM, M.Kes, M.Si
Lecturer Pertamedika College of Health Sciences Indonesia Email : [email protected]
Profile Link : https://pddikti.kemdikbud.go.id/detail-dosen/4IJ5Yq9QMSWDnfhUPHL2XUfGGC-S94vJNm1jTWwSDFxQFSMuwbkRZ_5Z0MzmmjISTjqqzA==
Scopus ID : 57204972022
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