Category: Uncategorized


THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELIGIOSITY AND MARITAL SATISFACTION AMONG COUPLES IN SOKOTO STATE, NORTHWESTERN NIGERIA This research aims to determine the relationship between religiosity and marital satisfaction among couples in Sokoto…


DIGITAL LITERACY IN PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES: AN OVERVIEW AND NARRATIVE REVIEW Digital literacy refers to the ability to effectively use digital technologies for tasks such as finding, evaluating, creating, and…


Analysis of Guidance and Counsellor Supervision: Implementation, Constraints, and Solutions The current issue is the suboptimal implementation of supervision for guidance counselors, impacting their professionalism in carrying out service tasks…


Birth and death of “Demonstration Experiment” in Physics In this paper, it is revisited the development of the so-called “demonstration experiment in Physics” with particular reference to the teaching in…


Blended Learning vs. Pure-printed Modules: Assessing its Effectiveness and Students’ Perceptions The pandemic has brought an enormous shift within the face of education, especially with the implementation of remote learning…


“The Nexus of Contented Personnel and Customer on the Financial performance of the Hospitality Industry: Empirical Substantiation from Pakistan” This research delves into the assessment of several five-star hotels in…