Category: Uncategorized


Modern generations and challenges in psychological analysis and human resource management In terms of management understanding, employee behavior and attitudes have a serious impact on the potential of human resources,…


ENTREPRENEURS’ PERSPECTIVES ON THE HEALTH TOURISM MARKET Tourism is a growing market with an impact on modern civilization after the pandemic. The new entrepreneurial vision is about transforming the customer…


By Improving Environmental and Social Risk Mapping, Corporate Responsibility Value Chain can Strengthen Their Business Models And Reach Economic Sustainability: Case study on Post-Mining Program (PMP) management in Indonesia With…


An Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Towards COVID-19 Vaccination in Shamva District Zimbabwe: Implications for Occupational Health and Safety The COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant occupational health and safety…


Psychometric Performance of Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory for Medical Undergraduates in Guangdong Objective To analyze the psychometric performance of Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory (ECR) for medical undergraduates in…