Category: Uncategorized


5irechain Security and Privacy beyond Technology and Crypto Currencies The block chain is one of the most disruptive, complex, and incipient information technologies whose vertiginous growth is transversal to all…


E-Learning: Effective Tool for Curriculum Content Delivery in Tertiary Education in Nigeria. The upsurge of information technology during and after the COVID-19 has spurred several modes of learning to achieve…


Identity and Faith; The Status of Islamic Schools in South-West Yorubaland of Nigeria Islamic schools in South-West Yorubaland of Nigeria enjoined patronage of integration and amalgamation of Quranic instructions into…


Integrating Muslim Faith-based Organization (MFBO) into Civil Society Organization (CSO); An Empirical Review of Nigerian Islamic Organizations. Civil society has been a central force in political, Socioeconomic reforms, and Nations…