
PEDAGOGICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS IN TEACHING SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SOKOTO STATE NIGERIA The primary aim of this paper is to analyse the pedagogical effectiveness of English Language…


The evaluation element in the Moroccan narrative of women subject to marital violence This article addressed the following question: how do talk shows represent women subjected to marital violence? It…


Present Situation of and Development Strategies for Extracurricular English Reading in China’s Rural Junior High Schools The survey and interview of 12 English teachers and 210 students from rural junior…


Monograph writing and “distant” supervision in the pandemic Due to the spread of Corona Virus, The Moroccan government decided to close all universities, a decision that impacted the lives of…


Application of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Conduct Disorder in Children This library-based paper discusses the need to utilize cognitive behavioural therapy for the treatment of conduct disorder in children. The…


PRODUCTION OF METAL-CERAMIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS Umarkhonov, S.R.1, Eminov, A.M.2 The article is dedicated to the production of blanks or products from metal powders characterized by the method of compaction or…