The Biophysical Modeling of the Psychological Balance In our paper we write about the some directions in stress research and the stress syndromes in clinical medicine. During the harmonic life…
The Biophysical Modeling of the Psychological Balance In our paper we write about the some directions in stress research and the stress syndromes in clinical medicine. During the harmonic life…
Draw a Person: Intellectual Ability Test for Chilldren, Adolescents, and Adults – The Potential for Screening Diagnostic of Selected Cognitive Abilities The goal of the study was to verify potential…
PRODUCTION SYSTEM AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF INDIGENOUS PIGS IN SOME SELECTED COMMUNITIES OF SOUTHERN KADUNA The study was conducted to determine indigenous pig production characteristics and management practices in the…
AMINO ACID UTILIZATION OF WEANING AND GROWING PIGS FED COMPOSITE CASSAVA PLANT MEAL BASED DIET AND MAIZE The study assessed the amino acid composition of cassava plant meal products (CPMP)…
Study of ameliorants on crop growth and soil physico-chemical properties in relation to salinity in an inceptisol of coastal soil We carried out an experiment in the ICAR-Central Soil Salinity…
Distribution and Importance of Weeds in Wheat, and Farmers’ Practices to Manage Weeds at Chelia and Midakegn Districts Assessment on the distribution and importance of weeds in wheat, and farmers…
Process of Setting and Recognizing Standards in Online IG Learning Communications Online learning communications among multigenerational faculty and students in higher education flow more smoothly if participants adhere to standards…
Carrière des femmes enseignantes et leur progression en grade supérieur au sein des universités congolaises. Une étude appliquée aux établissements de l’enseignement supérieur et universitaire de la ville de Bukavu…
Principles of Teaching Professionalism Ethics: A Conceptual Review This concept paper discusses and purposes the principles of teaching ethics in Malaysia. Teachers’ ethics play an important role in achieving educational…
Evaluating the Suitability of Human Settlements Using Big Data and GIS in Jieyang City, China This study aims to reveal the spatial pattern of the suitability of the human settlement…
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