Factors promoting good academic performances among secondary school students as perceived by guidance counsellors

This study investigated Factors promoting good academic performances among secondary school students as perceived by guidance counsellors in Anambra state. One research question guided the study and the descriptive survey research design was adopted. Accidental sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 115 guidance counsellors who are willing to participate in the study. A structured questionnaire on Factors for promoting good academic performances among secondary school students as perceived by guidance counsellors (FFPGAPSASSSSAPBGCS) designed for the study was used for data collection.  The data collected was analyzed using arithmetic weighted mean. The instrument for this study is validated by three experts from the department of Guidance and Counselling and one from Measurement and Evaluation. The researchers adopted direct approach in the administration of the questionnaire on the respondents to enable them the opportunity to appeal for their co-operations and also to ensure a 100% return. The data collected are analyzed using statistical weighted mean and ranking. The mean score of each was computed and any score that was below 2.50 was accepted while any one below a mean score of 2.50 was rejected as not being a factor. Among other things, the findings of this study that good teaching skills, family size, parental positive involvement, availability of qualified teachers, students serious mindedness to studying and studying in groups are some of the factors promoting good academic performances among secondary school students as perceived by guidance counsellors. The researchers recommended among other things that government should ensure the availability of a guidance counsellor in every secondary school for creating the awareness of these factors to the students to enhance their better performances in academics. Also, Counsellors will through the use of Parent Teachers Association intimate parents on their positive involvements in their wards academics to enhance their good performances in academics.

Keywords: factors, promoting, academic, secondary school students, Counsellors.