Effect of Outdoor Advertising on Building Brand Equity in Higher Learning Institutions in Mwanza City, Tanzania

Advertising is prohibitively expensive but essential for establishing the company’s brand equity. This study examines the effect of outdoor advertising on the brand equity of higher education institutions, concentrating on brand loyalty, brand awareness, and brand perceived quality. To describe the characteristics of student attitudes toward communicational elements, a quantitative research methodology was utilized. To conduct a cross-sectional survey, a structured questionnaire based on a Likert scale was distributed to 395 students. The sample size was determined using methodologies involving multiple sampling stages. The surveys were distributed at random, i.e. proportionally to students enrolled in all programs at each university. The response rate of 80.76 percent was adequate for statistical analysis.Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Colleration  and Linear Regression. The analysis of data is performed using software such as SPSS version 20. The study’s findings indicate that brand loyalty, perceived quality, ands brand awareness have statistically significant effects on brand equity. The study recommends that universities use celebrity endorsements (measured by the criteria of knowledge, trustworthiness, and likeability in that order) to influence students’ attitudes toward the endorsed brand and capitalize on the endorser’s success with the brand to increase brand equity.

Keywords: brand loyalty, perceived quality, brand awareness and brand equity