IS Dredging Entrance Channel for Ship Movement a Solution for Dares Salaam Port Efficiency?

This paper utilizes data from a study conducted at Dar es Salaam port to assess the impact of dredging channel at the port of Dar es Salaam for ship movement a case study of Dares Salaam Port in Tanzania. Specifically, the study was interested to examine the effects of dredging the entrance channel at the port of Dar es Salaam, to identify the challenges facing the process of dredging of port entrance channel at Dar es Salaam port and to evaluate outcomes of dredging the port entrance channel at Dar es Salaam port for ship movement. The study used environmental and economic theories as well as Balanced scorecard theories to show that dredging of the entrance channel has positive impact in national economy. Both qualitative and quantitative approached and descriptive research design were used to get the real data of the study about the impact of dredging channel at Dares Salaam port. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used in this study to select a sample size of 66 respondents from a group of 80 of the target population. Also, questionnaires, interview, documentary review, focus group discussion and observation were employed in the data collection. The paper ends with giving conclusions and recommendations which should be taken by the Tanzanian’ government in order to make Dares Salaam port to be the hub of East Africa.

Key words: Port Entrance Channel, Ship movement, Dredging of port entrance channel and Port efficiency.