Comparative Examination of the Education of Highly Gifted Individuals in Czechia and Türkiye.

Highly gifted individuals constitute a very small portion of the world’s population. These individuals receiving a good education will both contribute to their own countries and play an important role in the development of world countries. In our research, the results obtained by highly gifted individuals from Türkiye and Czechia in international exams such as TIMSS and PISA have been examined. Türkiye participated in the PISA studies for the first time in 2003; and in the TIMSS studies in 1999. On the other hand, Czechia participated in the PISA studies for the first time in 2000; and in the TIMSS studies in 1999. In our study, where both horizontal and descriptive comparative education approaches are used, comparative reviews have been conducted on the historical development process in the education of highly gifted individuals, identification, educational practices, teacher selection, and the training of teachers. Czechia starts the identification process for highly gifted individuals earlier than Türkiye. Czechia generally provides education to highly gifted individuals in special classes within schools; Türkiye prefers to offer after-school support education. Czechia began the education of highly gifted individuals in the 1960s. The implemented education program continues by being updated in accordance with the requirements of the age. Türkiye began educating gifted individuals in 1929 but has been faced issues in maintaining continuity. Efforts are being made to address these issues and ensure continuity through various changes.

Keywords: Czechia, Türkiye, Gifted Education, Comparative Education