Qualitative Study on Effects of Social Support Intervention on Behavioural Change among Homeless In Kuala Lumpur City

The purpose of this research is to discuss the research on providing social support intervention to the homeless in Kuala Lumpur City. The goal is to hope that  this social support intervention can help change the life of homeless people.  By means of this, the researcher adopted the qualitative study through social support intervention by using  hybrid approach to uncover the in-dept behaviours of the homeless, their motivation and feelings throughout the processes, which eventually led the researcher to derive the conclusion and findings from the pre-test and post-test based on the thirty participants selected in the research.  Based on the results, it was demonstrated almost all the participants who had been immersed in the social support intervention had shown improvement in their behaviour, self-confidence and self-motivational level which had led them off the streets, reconciled with families and secured job employment. Research had concluded that the social support intervention were proven effective to help homeless to becomes as a productive citizens. Suggestion, appropriate social support intervention can be used as one of the strategies for authority to help the homeless in future.

Keywords: Homelessness, social support intervention main contributor.