Modeling CEO Characteristics and Listed Deposit Money Banks Performance in Nigeria: A Moderating Role of Organisation Culture

The moderating role of organisation culture on the effect of CEO Characteristics on banks’ performance has been a subject of interest in Nigeria. The thrust of this study was to establish the moderating effect of organisation culture on the relationship between CEO Characteristics and organisational performance of listed deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study was guided by Upper Echelons and Resource Dependence Theories. Survey research design was used. The target population comprised of 504 full-time top-management employees of the listed tier-one banks in Nigeria. Stratified and proportionate sampling techniques were used to obtain sample size of 442 employees. The study employed questionnaire as a tool for data collection.  In order to test the reliability of the instrument, Cronbach alpha test was used. The study used hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis to test the hypothesis at 5% significance level. Findings indicate that organisation culture has a negative and statistically significant moderating effect on the relationship between CEO Characteristics and organisational performance of the listed deposit money banks in Nigeria (β = -0.029, p < 0.05). The study, therefore, recommended that management of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria should adopt CEO Characteristics strategy to enhance people capabilities and organisational performance through improved organisation culture. Furthermore, CEOs should control how banks create their strategies and give meaning and direction to their employees’ work.

Keywords: CEOs characteristics, Organisation culture, Organisational performance, Banks, Nigeria