The Gist of European Economic Investment on Africa in the Twentieth to the Twenty-First Centuries: Sources of Investment Funds, Investors and investment, Advantages and difficulties or Challenges (Part One)

The Knowledge of Gist here, is to have a general Synopsis, the main or general meaning of a piece of writing or work on investment. As history predicts and indicated, our objective to the study on investment in Africa by the European which started as early as Africa was discovered by Explorers of the world from Europe. Africa became a fertile ground for trade, exchange of goods and services. With the passing of time, the immature economic investment became mature in the 20th to the 21st centuries with the infiltration of investors having wider and larger sources of funds. These investors came from diverse areas and couple with influences from their countries organisations, societies and structures. That is to say, these investors could be countries governments struggling to reaps some advantages across to developed proper their welfare population and countries, in terms of infrastructure and improvement of living standard of the world population. It should be noted that some difficulties are registered or encountered which has been our priority to fight against to better Africa-Europe, and to end the World Economics malice on Investment.

To best develop this piece of work we exploit as methods, oral sources, documentary and internet materials. It’s with these processes or means that some appropriate facts gave a flesh to this work.

Furthermore, we discovered and brought out facts as results that appropriate investment funds; comes from banks, organisations, countries governments and others to develop and enhance the growth of investment in Africa. We also diagnosed, give or shows as result the enormous advantages bringing statement together and improvement of development goal, objectives in spite of the investment obstacles or difficulties meted. Greater research is done for further combatting of the problems in present day World Economic System.

Key Words: Knowledge, Gist, investment, 20th to the 21st centuries, Africa, European, advantages, difficulties, combatting, problems, present, day, World Economic System.