The study evaluated corporate board heterogeneity and non-financial performance of listed oil and gas firms in Nigeria. The objective of the study was to investigate whether board gender diversity have significant effect on corporate social performance of listed oil and gas firms in Nigeria. The secondary source of data collection was adopted in the study where the purposive sampling technique was used to select a sample size of ten (10) listed oil and gas firms for the study. Least Square regression analysis was used in this study and the findings revealed that board gender diversity has no significant effect on corporate social performance of listed oil and gas firms in Nigeria. The study concluded that board gender diversity do not influence the corporate social performance of the firms. Finally, it was recommended that firms should make appointment of independent directors to dominate the appointment of inside executive directors so as to enable the firms to maximally reap the benefits of board independence. Also, independent directors are expected to carry out their duties in line with the specifications and directions of revenant Nigerian laws and codes governing their operations.

Keywords: Corporate Board Heterogeneity, Non-Financial Performance, Board Gender Diversity, Board Independence, Board Diligence, Board Ownership.