The Searching for Initiating Economic &Cutting Edge Field Development on Progressing Scientist Innovations with Sustainability
The scientist can solve the technological knowledge and experience through their accumulated one so they can provide important role with designing and producing product like atomic bomb etc. high technological field whose leading effectiveness is proven by us frequently. There are many doctor graduated from American famous university can resolve the theoretical formula in order to simulate the atomic force network which may provide an important information and message before we process manufacturing procedure so it may indicate the general size in light of force which affords us the general design parameters usefully. whereby we can avoid many times experiment even producing course deviation which may save many people labour and lots of expense. On the other hand the economic income for general man may attain through spending financial expense like recent golden price which can be affected through stabilizing world political situation, once there is war etc accident it will indicate under controlling price increase which may bring out many chances by gambler like American. Additionally the economic development will require many scientists who may provide theoretic support like automobile and air plane performance & prosperous prediction besides some experimental data and processes in product flow line, so their contribution to society may indicate high quality &level. We should continue to largely support them for their big endeavour to relevant exploration and erecting foundation whose destination may direct the new innovation prosperity like AI(artificial intelligence) new technique, robotic new industries &quantum computation etc..
Keywords: searching; cutting edge field; economic; development; initiating; scientist; innovation; sustainability; initiating