Implementation of the School Literacy Movement as a Model for Enhancing Human Resource Capacity in Senior High Schools
One of the indicators of a successful education system can be seen from the increasing literacy rate in Indonesia. The School Literacy Movement (GLS), initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture, has become an effective strategy in building national character and enhancing students’ literacy competencies. The implementation of GLS at the senior high school level requires effective human resource management strategies to ensure program sustainability and optimize its outcomes. This study aims to formulate appropriate human resource management strategies to support the implementation of GLS in senior high schools. This evaluation research employs a qualitative case study approach using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product) evaluation model. This model is systematically used to provide relevant evaluative information for decision-making and support the improvement of education quality through a proactive and sustainable evaluative approach.
Keywords: Implementation; School Literacy Movement; Improvement; School Human Resources.