Effect of general competency on career satisfaction and job performance of electrical/electronic technology lecturers in tertiary institutions

The study investigated the effect of general competency on career satisfaction and job performance of electrical/electronic technology lecturers in tertiary institutions in South–West, Nigeria. Three research questions were answered and three hypotheses formulated were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted a correlation research design. The participants for this study comprised 169 lecturers in public tertiary institutions (universities and colleges of education).  Data analyses were carried out using simple linear regression and multiple regression analysis. The finding revealed that general competency showed strong positive and significant relationship with career satisfaction and job performance of electrical/electronic technology lecturers in tertiary institutions. This study found that general competency statistically and significantly mediated the career satisfaction and job performance relationship of electrical/electronic technology lecturers in tertiary institutions. It was therefore recommended, among others that educational administrators should be sensitized on important of general competency on career satisfaction and job performance of electrical/electronic technology lecturers for professional and organizational growth. Also, lecturers of EET should always strive to attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to update their general competency for optimal job performance. Furthermore, government and other employers of lecturers should always organize workshops and conferences, and sponsor interventions that can help lecturers improve their general competency which by extension can improve lecturers’ career satisfaction and job performance.

Keywords General competency; career satisfaction; job performance