Introduction: The Bartholin glands are a pair of mucus secreting glands located in lower 4 and 8 O’ clock positions of vaginal introitus. Obstruction of duct draining the glands leads to abscess or cyst formation.Case Report: A 43-year-old female presented to the radiology department for imaging of a large vulval mass which had gradually attained giant size in the course of time. On physical examination, a large soft non tender cystic mass was seen protruding through the perineum.Patient had trouble while walking. Material & Methods: Patient underwent X ray examination and transperineal ultrasonography followed Magnetic Resonance Imaging which showed a large cystic mass without and septa or solid component.Conclusion: Giant Bartholin’s gland cyst is a rare entity and is an important differential for cystic vulvar lesions in females. Imaging modalities can help differentiate Bartholin’s cyst from other lesions.
KEYWORDS: Bartholin’s cyst, Vulval masses, Imaging