Enhancing Financial Infrastructure with Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics

This paper examines the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics in enhancing financial infrastructure, particularly within developing economies. As financial inclusion emerges as a critical driver of economic growth and poverty reduction, the integration of AI and data analytics into financial systems offers a powerful means to extend access to financial services for underserved populations. These technologies enable more accurate credit assessments, improved risk management, and the personalization of financial products, thereby addressing key barriers to financial inclusion. The paper also examines the challenges associated with the adoption of AI and data analytics, including data privacy, ethical considerations, and the digital divide, and discusses strategies for overcoming these obstacles to ensure that the benefits are widely shared. By leveraging AI and data analytics, financial institutions can play a pivotal role in promoting inclusive and sustainable economic development, ultimately contributing to the broader goal of poverty alleviation.

Keywords: Financial Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics