Perceived Causes of Low Female Students’ Enrolment in Tertiary Agricultural Science Programme in Imo State Nigeria

Several reasons are adduced by students for not choosing agriculture as a course of study. No wonder the faculty of Agriculture of many higher institutions have few students in comparison with other courses. This study seeks specifically to unravel the causes of low enrolment in Agricultural Science Programme by female students in tertiary schools in Imo State Nigeria. It investigates the persons behind female students’ choice of agriculture as a course of study and the motivation female students should have to study agriculture. A total of 150 female tertiary agricultural science students randomly selected from 5 higher institutions in Imo State was used for the study. Data obtained were analyzed using percentages and mean. It was revealed that parents (93.3%), fellow students (91.3%), brother/sister (85.3%), and even Agric teacher (86.6%) play veritable part in female students choice of agriculture. They encourage and even discourage their own from reading agriculture. The causes of low female students enrolment in agriculture includes, lack of interest (M=3.51), lack of finance to purchase farm equipment (M=3.24), time consuming (M=2.70), parents’ disagreement (M=3.25), people disregard it (M=3.26), difficult to study (M=3.05), only people from poor home study it (M=3.51), high risk (M=3.88), makes one dirty (M=2.60) among other reasons. However, the following motivating roles of agriculture should be known to the students – people won’t survive without agriculture (M=3.15), agriculture is a means of livelihood (M=2.60), important source of raw materials for industries(M=2.71), provide skills in crop production (M=2.61), and equips them with  animal production skills (M=3.50). However, these motivating roles could not attract them to agriculture. There should be proper sensitization of students in our secondary schools on the great benefits and importance of agriculture.

Keyword: Agriculture, tertiary institution, female students, enrolment, occupation.