The Searching for Recruiting University Postdoctoral and Developing Departmental Ability Sustainably

The excellent postdoctoral person will connect with emerging innovation department merely so the corresponding attention and consideration should be taken currently. The China GDP(Gross domestic product) has developed several ten times recently(1991~2020), so the practical meaning should be discussed throughout for our experts and scientists to considerate and make definitely to go on maintaining its complexion. Maybe after seven years China could realize its modernization to occupy number one position to wield its effectiveness in the world. At the same time the recruiting working can offer much opportunity to progress the schedule to agenda in order to wiled its effectiveness and proceed many explorations like out-space study and high rail equipment. Only both them can we will make our nationality to realize modernization of China economic complexion which has become this study’s destination. We should continuously and constantly put our study to the sustainability research on Chinese GDP up raising with sustainability.

Keywords: Search; university; postdoctoral; recruit; departmental; develop; sustainably