Child Tea Sellers at Vehicle Station: A Study of Kathmandu
Child labour is a serious issue all over the world worth investigating that disrupts children’s overall development. Children are a vital part of society and deserve every basic human right fundamental to their growth. However, many children worldwide are denied these essential rights, with Nepal being a notable example. Socio-economic conditions and limited access to affordable loans for a better future push struggling parents to involve their children in different types of work. One of the forms of visible child labour that exists in Kathmandu city is children working as tea sellers at vehicle stations (CTSVS). Better road connectivity has increased such forms of child labour, especially in small vehicle stations around Kathmandu city, to move passengers across Nepal. This study only covers two major vehicle stations in Kathmandu that were purposively selected for the study. Hence, this paper tries to assess the welfare and conditions of the Child Tea Seller at the Vehicle station.
Keywords: Children, Childhood, Child Labour, Child Tea Sellers, Vehicle Station