Evaluation of the Impact of East-West Road Dualisation on the Vegetation Along the Road Corridor in Delta State

The dualization of the East-West Road in Delta State, Nigeria, has had significant ecological impacts, particularly on the vegetation along the road corridor. This study evaluates the effects of road construction on the vegetation by examining species diversity, density, and health in areas adjacent to the road. Using a combination of remote sensing data and field surveys, we assessed changes in vegetation cover before and after the road dualization. Results revealed a significant reduction in native vegetation and an increase in invasive species. The findings suggest that the road development has led to habitat loss and fragmentation, which could affect biodiversity in the long term. This paper recommends strategies for mitigating the negative effects of road construction on vegetation and emphasizes the need for sustainable infrastructure development in ecologically sensitive areas.

Index Terms– Road dualization, Vegetation impact, Biodiversity loss, Habitat fragmentation, Delta State