Complex Factors Affecting Yaks Reproduction
Yaks are indispensable to high-altitude communities, providing essential resources such as milk, meat, and transportation. However, their reproductive efficiency is influenced by a multitude of factors, including climate change, nutrition, genetics, and physiology. This review synthesizes current knowledge on the aspects and factors affecting yak reproduction, with a focus on high-altitude ecosystems. An in-depth literature analysis reveals that climate change, nutritional deficiencies, and genetic factors impact yak fertility. The review also depicts the importance of mineral supplements, particularly calcium and phosphorus, in maintaining reproductive health. These findings have pivotal implications for developing strategies to enhance yak reproductive performance, ensuring the sustainability of yak herding in high-altitude regions. Certainly, this review contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between environmental, nutritional, and genetic factors influencing yak reproductive biology.
Keywords: Yak Reproduction, High-Altitude Ecosystems, Climate Change Impact, Nutritional Influences, Reproductive Efficiency.