Empowering Housewives to Become Ecopreneurs in Reducing Waste Through 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

The existence of waste cannot be separated from human activities and existence. Currently, the problem that must be resolved immediately in the waste section, the community in particular, is the low level of public knowledge related to waste treatment, then the 3R system, and entrepreneurship in the waste sector, namely ecopreneurship. Efforts to develop the potential that is already owned by the community need comprehensive community empowerment. Waste is one of the serious problems in the era of industrialization. But reducing waste through the 3Rs requires a process for the community to work on. the purpose of empowerment is to provide understanding, motivate to increase income so that they can change attitudes, act and think. This community service was carried out in 2023. Participants who participated in community service consisted of the community such as housewives, lecturers, staff and students at Borobudur University. This service activity includes counseling and practice. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the average age of housewives who acted as service participants was between 40-60 years old, 42.55%, at the junior and senior high school education level with a value of 80% and categorized as a moderate level of education. For the experience of processing waste both independently and in groups with yes answers is categorized as low with the acquisition of 30%, the rest are in the no answer. The low level of education, experience in processing waste and the age of housewives who are no longer young have an impact on the way of thinking, taking attitudes and innovating and creativity, so that the community is less able to adopt the 3R concept to process waste to become an ecopreneurship which greatly impacts the economy, especially income and the quality of the environment around the community.

Keywords: 3R, Ecopreneurship, Waste