Influence of Celebrity Trustworthiness on Shaping Customer Brand Attitude: A Case Study of DSTV among SAUT Students Mwanza, Tanzania.

This study investigated the influence of celebrity endorsement trustworthiness on shaping customer brand attitudes, using a case study of DSTV among students at St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) in Mwanza, Tanzania. The study purposefully made to examine the influences of celebrity trustworthiness in shaping customer brand attitude of the DSTV Company among SAUT students Mwanza. The study was guided by Source Credibility Theory which was determined by various assumptions which are trustworthiness and consumer brand attitude as major variables of this study. The study used a quantitative research design whereby 219 respondents out of 278 were used for data collection. Data collection was done through questionnaires as 5 Likert rating scale questionnaires were employed in this study. Data was analyzed quantitatively with the help of SPSS version 24 and presented into descriptive and inferential statistics as well as multiple regression analysis. The demographic profiles of the respondents were presented in the form of frequency and percentages. Findings of the study revealed that celebrity trustworthiness significantly shaped customer brand attitudes among SAUT students, with attributes such as honest to the celebrity endorser, celebrity credibility as well as celebrity endorsement believability playing vital roles in shaping brand attitudes as independent variable for this study. This research contributes to the academic discourse by offering localized insights into the effectiveness of celebrity trustworthiness in the Tanzania context. The study recommends marketers to consider effectively leveraging celebrity trustworthiness due to its major advantages in shape customers brand attitude. Similar study may be done with the application of other different research approaches.

Keywords: Celebrity endorsement, brand attitudes, celebrity trustworthiness