The study is meant to discuss the worship of Opugula deity among the people of Ikibiri community. The Specific purpose of the study is to document how Opugula deity was worshipped among the people of Ikbiiri community. The methods employed were the historical and phenomelogical methods. The data for this study were collected from field survey obtained from local residents of Ikibiri who are Traditionalists. At the end of the investigation, we found out that the worship of Opugula Deity has not been documented. This is the problem that motivated the researcher to embark on the work. Worship of Opugula deity in Ikibiri is carried out directly and indirectly and this is either done spontaneously (direct) and through the religious leaders such as the priests, medicine men and women, herbalists and the diviners. People have seen and termed the worship of Opugula deity as a demonism but the findings of the study have proved that wrong. OPugula deity is a deity that is believed to have protected the Ikibiri People from the effects  of outbrake of epidemics, protected the people from external attack and have also helped the Ikibiri people to win wars during the good old days of inter-village warfare. The deity is also believed to have blessed and prospered Ikibiri indigenes in their various endavours that they have been engaged in the past and even presently, as such, the deity is a god of benevolence and beneficent to his votaries, yet it is termed demonic  by believers of the Christian Religious tradition. Sequel to the above, the researcher without equivocation is recommending that the worship of this all Important deity to the Ikibiri people be encouraged. The younger generations of Ikibiri people and even beyond be encouraged to identify with the modus Operandi and the paraphernalia of the shrine of Opugula deity. This will to a great extent check the dwindling fortune of the deity, hence enhancing the possibility of its continuity. This aspect of the Ikibiri people’s culture should not be allowed to die as other potent deities among the Izon tribe have experienced. Ikibiri people’s cultural heritage should not be allowed to go into oblivion.

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