The word “safe” is used to describe the situations where the conditions for the person or environment in question to be protected are met and the word “security” is used to depict a system that all possible threats are eliminated and the situation is far from danger. These two concepts together express actions and administrative works aiming to prevent all kinds of life and property losses and creating a safe and secure environment for the society.

The issue of health is primarily linked with nutrition options and access to food. With this aspect the issue is analyzed within three different groups: “group with no food security”, “group vulnerable to food insecurity” and “group with food security”. The main factor of this distinction is associated with structural, storage-related, and nutrition-based durability of food. Lack of security affects all three groups depending on the aforementioned durability indicators. In cases where any of the known global and/or regional risks surface or become prominent, other threats also arise directly or indirectly. National studies and international relations are shaped based on political climate and current threats. However, it is questionable that the issue of Food Security can be managed nationally under these circumstances in which climate change is on the global agenda and the ecological control network is formed in a global setting. The place and position of Smart Society (Society 5.0) within the relationships formed around the concept of security should also be examined closely. To what extent do the administrators support their societies? Current changes require for new strategies and tactics.

In this proposed presentation, the administrative and political effects of the matter is highlighted with an emphasis on the accessibility and importance of society-based solution focusing on the wide range of relations around high-quality food security.

Keywords: Food Security, Eco-Imperialism, Colonization, Smart Society