Provincial Competitiveness Index: A Case Study of Bac Giang Province in Vietnam

The study aims to evaluate the competitiveness of Bac Giang province in Vietnam. This province has made excellent progress, surpassing 29 places and 8.06 points, and now ranks 2nd in terms of competitiveness among all provinces nationwide by 2022. The statistical data used in this study comes from the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry for a period of 5 years (2018 – 2022). The research results indicate that Bac Giang’s average competitiveness score over the past 5 years was 65.8, with a significant increase to 72.8 points in 2022. The improved competitiveness indexes, especially in Law & Order (8.6), Informal Charges (8.02), and Proactivity (7.62), have contributed to Bac Giang’s success. However, the study also highlights a few limitations that Bac Giang must address to improve indicators such as Business Support Policy and Transparency. This will help the province create a better investment environment and attract foreign investment for the development of its economy.

Keywords: Competitiveness, competitiveness index, competitiveness ranking, Bac Giang, Vietnam