Dilemma of the selection of candidate on job position in the company as problem of utility and game theory

In this research, the model of candidate’ selection was developed. This model is based on the application of matrix games. The two possible candidates were considered as players, which can take the different strategies. The professional and soft skills of the candidates are evaluated by different criteria and scale from 1 till 10 is used for each criterion. The decision maker is HR manager, who is responsible for hiring personal or who carry out functional duties for creation and development of internal personal potential and provide the program of career development in the company. This HR manager compares two candidates and chooses the best one according her/his utility function and suggestions about importance of the skills on the ideal candidate for certain position in the company. The problem is what is the best strategy for candidate, if she/he would like to get this position and obtain highest possible benefit. The developed model can be used for the improvement of recruitment process and the preparation of the candidate for the competition in the training. The elements of this model can be implemented in the software for the recruitment process in the company and allow to organize this procedure more effectively.

Keywords: recruitment, model, game theory, strategy, optimal solution