Feasibility study of a company for the manufacture of products based on waste tires in Tamaulipas México

End-of-life tires represent a serious environmental pollution and public health problem, which continues to increase exponentially around the world. The above has been attributed to various factors such as population growth, economic growth in the main world economies, and mainly the increase in demand in the production of vehicles in the automotive industry. Because waste tires are non-biodegradable polymers, their decomposition takes up to 500 years, coupled with poor management and waste management, most of which end up in landfills, open-air warehouses, or on the streets, leading to contamination of soil, water, and air, in addition to health problems because of the generation of pests and mosquitoes that affect the health of the population. In 2018, it was reported that in Mexico about 36 million tons of tires were discarded each year and due to the lack of regulations and information about their reuse and recycling, only 10% of this volume is recycled properly, leaving several waste tires latent to cause environmental problems. Currently in Tamaulipas Mexico, there is no company dedicated to the collection, treatment, and recycling of out-of-use tires. To mitigate this situation, a percentage of these tires are stored and transferred to other cities for treatment. However, it is estimated that nearly 100 thousand tires each year are accumulated in landfills without any type of treatment. Therefore, the objective of this research is to present a solution to the problem of waste tires which contributes to reducing this condition. For this purpose, a market study was used to analyze the feasibility of implementing a business model that in addition to mitigating environmental problems, represents an economic benefit in the state of Tamaulipas. The project presents an economically profitable model, and the most important financial aspects are considered.

Keywords- Waste tires, environmental pollution, recycling, feasibility, ground rubber