Examining the Surprise in the Proverbs in Indonesian and English: A Comparative Analysis Using Cognitive Semantics 

This study employs Cognitive Semantic Analysis and Qualitative Methods to explore the cognitive processes and cultural nuances that underlie English and Indonesian proverbs. Proverbs serve as linguistic relics of human wisdom, encapsulating a society’s collective knowledge, beliefs, and cultural values. The surprise factor in proverbs often catches the attention of native speakers and learners of a language, as these expressions employ unexpected linguistic constructions, metaphors, or comparisons to convey profound messages in a concise form. This research examines a diverse corpus of English and Indonesian proverbs meticulously selected to represent the spectrum of semantic and cultural diversity. The Cognitive Semantics framework dissects the underlying cognitive mechanisms at play in these expressions. By analyzing the conceptual domains, image schemas, and conceptual metaphors in these sayings, we aim to unearth the hidden layers of surprise within them. The qualitative methodology adopted in this research involves in-depth interviews and surveys with native English and Indonesian speakers, encouraging them to share their insights and interpretations of selected proverbs. It sheds light on how speakers of these languages perceive and appreciate the element of surprise. The results show (1) that surprise is a frequently used rhetorical device in English and Indonesian proverbs; the element of surprise is often achieved through unconventional linguistic constructions, unexpected metaphors, and vivid imagery; (2) that cultural background and shared experiences play a vital role in comprehending and appreciating surprise elements in proverbs, and (3) that cultural context significantly influences how shock is employed in proverbs; English proverbs rely on linguistic traps, reflecting a cultural appreciation for clever wordplay and Indonesian proverbs frequently evoke surprise through sensory and cultural elements. The study contributes to linguistics, cognitive semantics, and cross-cultural communication by comprehensively analyzing how wonder operates within proverbs, enriching our understanding of the linguistic and cognitive intricacies that underlie these culturally significant expressions.

Keywords:  Cognitive Semantics, Emotion of Surprise, English Language, Indonesian Language, Linguistic analysis.