Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are an important pillar in driving the economy in Indonesia. Songket silungkang, part of the SMEs in Sawahlunto City, is not only a cultural product but also an industrial product that drives the economy. Current market demands and challenges are imperatively transforming the business world towards a knowledge-based economy. Research was carried out to obtain an operational model for the use of knowledge management at the microbusiness level. by identifying knowledge management in existing microbusinesses. Through a literature review, the field of knowledge management is identified. In this way, relevant theories and studies are discussed to build a foundation for the interview as well as to discover various factors that may be relevant to building a bridge between knowledge management and application in the field. Data was collected through observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and document study. Knowledge in craftsmen (SMEs) tends to be embedded as a “whole personality”. They often have difficulty articulating the technical or scientific principles behind what they know. In the context of product quality, defining knowledge as an object (i.e., valuable information) provides an opportunity to improve knowledge management compared to the work process and motif design. Craftsmen in small and medium enterprises, whose knowledge and technical skills are highly valued by colleagues, by the market (customers), and in society. The knowledge acquired and retained by craftsmen is critical to the long-term survival of arts and crafts organizations and their profitability. There are opportunities to use and formalize knowledge management for craftsmen and customers in the context of maintaining the quality of woven products.

keywords: Knowledge management; microbusiness; crafts