Optimization of space and flow of materials in a warehouse using SHA and SLP

The efficiency and optimization of productive capital are characteristics widely studied in the business world. Any organization whose objectives include growth and financial success will seek the maximum use of its resources. In this way, this work presents the results from techniques and tools used to achieve the optimal management of two essential factors of any production process: the raw materials and the facilities. Tools included in the SLP and SHA methodologies were in this research paper used to obtain a logical and systematic flow of raw materials. This implementation included the analysis of the flow of materials through a raw material warehouse, looking to propose new routes and locations to reduce travelled distances and times, mainly on the most used materials. 140 m2 were from the space available saved for the future storage of new raw materials. The results reported in this paper demonstrate savings and cost reduction potential in any material control and warehouse layout design project when methodologies from SLP and SHA are applied.

Keywords– Layout, Raw material, Warehouse, Storage