Parental Involvement in Supporting the Implementation of Educational Supervision in Schools

The article examines the role of parents in supporting the implementation of educational supervision in schools. Educational supervision refers to the process of overseeing and improving the quality of education in schools. While the responsibility for educational supervision is primarily rested on the shoulders of school administrators and teachers, parents can play an important role in supporting and enhancing this process. The article highlighted the importance of parental involvement in promoting effective educational supervision, including through participation in school decision-making processes and supporting school efforts to monitor and improve students’ learning outcomes. Additionally, the article discusses challenges that parents may face in engaging with educational supervision and provides recommendations for how schools can better involve parents in this process. The article emphasizes the crucial role that parents can play in supporting the success of educational supervision initiatives in schools. The researcher make use of descriptive qualitative research method approach. The research discovered that, despite the efforts made by parents in supporting school supervision, there are still challenges faced by parents and other educational stakeholders in achieving the implementation of educational supervision in schools.

Keywords: Parental Involvement, Supporting Implementation, Educational Supervision, Schools.